Sunday, June 24, 2007

Spike Sends Jessica to Dirt Nap

In Spike's thoughtful soliloquy, last week, he bid adieu to his bride.

"Oh, Baby. You know what? I never really saw myself as a married man, you know, with a wife, kiddies. But after I blackmailed you into marrying me, and this is gonna' sound really dumb, but I used to have this fantasy all the time, you know. About how life could be for us some day. You know, it's the usual.

"You know. Little house. White picket fence. Huh. Then you coming home after doin' a few easy tricks, give me a big fat kiss, then goin' to make dinner. Then in the summer time, when it was still light outside, I'd take the little kids out and teach them how to pick pockets and shoot their first guns.

"Then, of course, we put those little monsters to bed and we have it out in the bedroom like never before, Honey. Get wasted, of course, and watch porn.

Yeah, Baby, that's the American Dream. But that dream is dead now, Honey. And that's too bad."

Passions on NBC, week of June 19, 2007

1 comment:

suzan said...

I remember this! i really miss Passions:-) There is nothing like the american dream with Spike. haha!